Empower Learning Center
Teen and Adult Education

206 Main St E, Hinckley, MN 55037. (320) 384-6132 ext 5001
WELCOME! Check out “Recent News” for updates on the 2022-2023 school year! Check out our handbook or the document below from Edutopia for more about Project-Based Learning. |
May 25: End of Year Picnic
May 26: Graduation Practice
May 28: Graduation
May 29: No School- Memorial Day
June 1: Last Day of School

The Empower Learning Center serves alternative program students in the Hinckley-Finlayson District and students in the surrounding districts.
The mission of Empower is to use flexible and innovative methods to educate non-traditional high school students in a supportive and rigorous environment that prepares them for life beyond high school.
Students will be given the opportunity to develop their talents, while being made to realize personal responsibility for achieving full potential. The success of this mission is dependent on student, school, home, and community involvement.
Our mission will be accomplished by creating an individualized and relevant learning environment. Our staffing currently consists of one full time teacher and one administrative/student engagement coordinator serving a maximum of 15-17 students.
2. To develop pride in work and a feeling of self-worth.
3. To develop good character and self-respect.
4. To learn how to examine and use information.
5. To learn how to be a good citizen.
6. To develop a desire for learning now and in the future.
7. To develop skills to be able to enter the world of work.
8. To learn how to respect and get along with people who
think, dress, and act differently than yourself.
9. To understand and practice democratic ideas and ideals.
10. To learn about and try to understand the changes that take
place in the world.
11. To understand and practice the skills of family living.
12. To learn how to be a good manager of money, property, and
13. To practice and understand the ideas of health and safety.
Students may attend Empower Learning Center if they meet at least one of the following criteria:
1. Performs substantially below the performance level for pupils of the same age in a locally determined achievement test
2. Is at least one year behind in satisfactorily completing coursework or obtaining credits for graduation
3. Is pregnant or is a parent
4. Has been assessed as chemically dependent
5. Has been excluded or expelled
6. Has been referred by a school district for enrollment in an eligible program
7. Is a victim of physical or sexual abuse
8. Has experienced mental health problems
9. Has experienced homelessness sometime within six months before requesting a transfer to an eligible program
10. Speaks English as a second language or has limited English proficiency
11. Has withdrawn from school or has been chronically truant
Some highlights of our program will include:
• Participation in our school lunch program
• A very small program with personalized instruction
• A work-study component
• Access to all of our extra-curricular programs
• Mental health resources on site
• A strong working relationship with out-patient chemical treatment
• Access to WINDOW and county services, and access to post-secondary transition DEED & CMJTS
Contact Mrs. Val Kunze for enrollment information or questions:
(320) 384-6132 ext. 5001